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A Century of Tradition

Stuart Duncan


Stuart, born on 12 February 1955, lived in Salvador, Bahia and São Paulo in the 1980’s, working for Bank of London (BOLSA- later Lloyds Bank). On his return to São Paulo, Brazil in 2004 - again working for Lloyds as Brazil Country manager - he was inveigled to join the St Andrews committee. It was assumed that - with a name like his- he had to have ‘some connection’ with Scotland. In fact, his connections are rather tenuous as he was born in the ‘colony and protectorate’ of Kenya, his mother was English, his wife is English, and his 4 children were all born in Brazil. However, he claims that his father was Scottish (originally the family came from Anstruther in Fife) and he was educated in Scotland; first at Strathallan School near Perth and then at St Andrews University. Graduating MA Hons in History & Economics. This was good enough to persuade the committee to let him join. He also played in the University golf team (no wonder he won the Quaich 3 times!) and flew aeroplanes out of RAF Leuchars with the University air squadron. He met Karen, his wife, at university as do 75% graduates there, including William and Kate!

Stuart took over the Presidency of the St Andrews Soc in 2006 having previously agreed to officiate at the 2005 Caledonian Ball when the then president - Sean Hutchison, could not attend. Stuart then presided over the society for the years 2006/07, before Doug Munro took over the mantle as President. Stuart’s years in office saw a record turnout of over 260 for the Burns Supper (held that year at the Transatlatico Club), the traditional golf match/ceilidh at the ‘half-way house’, Clube dos 500, between Rio and SP, the Munro Challenge Cup where St Andrews golfing stars compete against AMSOC, a well-attended Caledonian Ball at the Rosa-Rosarum, a winter ceilidh, a picnic out at Sao Roque, and a quiz night.

After handing over the baton as President Stuart remained on the committee, where he was not renowned for been reticent in giving other committee members the benefit of his often-questionable knowledge and insight. He remained active in the Society’s golf section and also took on the role each year at the Burns Supper of reciting the Ode to the Haggis, successfully despatching the ceremonial haggis in true fashion whilst reciting in a broad Scottish brogue (tinged with a hint of Swahili), Burns’ traditional poem.

Stuart and Karen have 4 children, Anna, Lucinda, Charlie and James, and are settling in Fife.

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